Friday, March 30, 2012

Still I love you darling!P2 by Seiji Ninomiya

April in 1941, FBI check the daily life of Toshio
"Situation is very strict. War will  begin absolutely."
Toshio said to himself.
"I must say GOOD-BYE to ANN now otherwise I will destroy her life. But why war? Why war?
Japan's government had better negotiate more and more. Please, please Japanese leaders."
Toshio is anxious about relation of Japan and U.S.
When Toshio said GOOD=BYE to ANN, she said to Toshio.
"Don't think serious Toshio. Love is strong."
Toshi hugged Ann and said,
"Thank you Ann. I love you."
Toshio began to cry.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Still I love you darling! by Seiji Ninomiya

"Now I must say good -bye  Ann ."
"No, I love you Toshio so much. I love you."
"Thank you Ann. But I must go back Japan now.
"OH, together Toshio."
"No, The War will begin absolutely."
"No problem."
Toshio and Ann argued with tears the spring in 1941.
Japan and U.S. relation became so bad at that time.