Monday, April 23, 2012

Shall I love you darling? P11 by Seiji Ninomiya

Japanese Spy tried to kill  Toshio many times.
Toshio knew a lot of important information of Japan at that time.
Japanese Spy knew that Toshio work for U.S.
Whenever Japanese Spy try to kill Toshio, FBI guard him.
One of FBI officer said to co-workers,
"How do they know that Toshio work for U.S."
"Japanese Spy exists inside that house."
Everybody said nothing.
"We must check more and more."
"Yes, very dangerous."
They discuss many things many hours.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Shall I love you darling? P10 by Seiji Ninomiya

"This place is The United States of America. Not The Monkey Land. We must root out Monkey Jap
in this place. You know."
One of FBI officer said to others.
"Yes, of course. We must kill the Jap. It's our duty."
The end of May in 1941, FBI officer checked Japanese Spies.
There are many Japanese spies over FBI officers expectation.
At that time, Toshio works for U.S. in secret zone.
One day, Toshio's boss said to Toshio,
"Toshio. Do you love Ann?"
"Yes, of course."
"You had better marry Ann and you live the same house. You are very dangerous."
After this Boss' words. Toshio said to his Boss.
"Thank you very much. I hope so."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Shall I love you darling? P9 by Seiji Ninomiya

The FBI meeting May in 1941. One of FBI officers said to others.
"When did Jap make the Spy organization in U.S.?"
After this words, the other officer said,
"Yes, I was very surprised. Not only Jap but also American citizens."
Officers can't say anything.
a few minutes later,
"They work for Japan?"
"Yes, of course."
"Damn it!"
They discussed many things at that time.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shall I love you darling? P8 by Seiji Ninomiya

Japanese spy tried to kill Toshio many times.
FBI always guard him.
At that time, Toshio was very important person for U.S.
FBI was very surprised because of many Japanese spies in U.S.
"What are they?"
"I don't know."
Many times FBI officers said so.
Toshio works the secret office the secret place.
One day, FBI officer said to Toshio,
"Toshio. You had better live with Ann. Morning and Evening, very dangerous."
Toshio answered,
"Yes, I know that."

Monday, April 16, 2012

Shall I love you darling ? P7 by Seiji Ninmiya

One day FBI officer called Toshio.
Officer said to Toshio,
"Will you work for U.S.A.?"
" You must attack Japan."
"O.K. I'm going to work for U.S.A. If I go back Japan, Japan's Army will kill me. I can't go back Japan."
"OH. You love Ann so deeply."
"Yes, I love her. And I love The United States of America."
They talked about many things.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shall I love you darling ? P6 by Seiji Ninomiya

One day of early May, Japanese Spy shot Toshio.
FBI found his aciton, and kill him.
One of FBI officer said to Toshio,
"You are very dangerous. You had better go back Japan."
"Thank you. but My girlfriend is American. I wanna live with her."
After toshio's words, Officer said to Toshio.,
"Take care."
"Yes. Thank you very much."
Toshio said to himself.
"War is near."

Friday, April 13, 2012

Shall I love you Darling? P5 by Seiji Ninomiya

"Toshio. You are my real better half."
After this Ann's words, Toshio began to cry again.
"Thank you Ann. But."
"But what?"
 They kissed many times.
"Let's walk together Toshio."
"Yes, Ann."
They smiled each other.
"Ann, I love you."
"Toshio, I love you too."
Their love became stronger and stronger.
But situatuion between Japan and U.S. became worse and worse day after day.
FBI checked Toshio so seriously.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Shall I love you darling P4 by Seiji Ninomiya

"Ann, The war will begin soon."
"So what? Toshio."
"Hey Ann. The war that the between Japan and U.S. will begin soon. Now FBI check my daily action. that becomes very strict day by day."
"So what Toshio? You don't love me?"
"Yes. I love Ann so much."
"Please stay here. I love you Toshio."
Toshio began to cry again. And Ann also began to cry after Toshio.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shall I love you darling P3 by Seiji Ninomiya

April in 1941, The situation between Japan and U.S. became worse and worse day by day.
And FBI's check against Toshio became strict day after day.
One day Toshio decided,"Good-bye" to Ann.
In the night Toshio said to Ann,
"Ann, I must say a very important thing to you. please listen carefully."
Ann said with simle,
"What's that Toshio?"
"OH, It's time to say good-bye to you."
Ann began to cry,
"Why? Toshio. Why? Tell me the reason."
Toshio also began to cry.
"I love you Ann so much. But The war will begin soon."
"No problem Toshio."
 They hugged each other with cry.