Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mike love Mis Jonson P4

Mike kissed Mis Jonson's all parts of body with his young passion.
"Stop Mike. Stop Mike."
Mis Jonson shouted.
"Oh, I love you Mis Jonson. Please understand my mind and passion."
After his words,
"Yes, I understand your mind and passion. But I'm your teacher. You understand?"
Mis Jonson shouted again.
"Yes,of course. But I can't stop my mind."
At that time, repeated the same conversation again and again.
The battle of a student and a teacher.
And finally, Mis Jonson cried.
"Mis Jonson. Oh Meg, I love you."
Mike kissed Mis Jonson many times.
17 year-old boy and 37 year-old lady love story began.

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