Thursday, September 27, 2012

Novel:Mike loves Mis Jonson P7

Mis Jonson is so exciting.
"Yeah Mike. More more."
"Yes Meg. I'm exciting too."
Mike touched her secret zone by his tongue.
When Mike's tongue touched her secret zone.
Mis Jonson shouted so loudly.
"A,A,A,A, Yeah, Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh, Wa,Wa,Wa,Wa, Oh,Oh,Oh,"
Mike's touch become strongly more and more.
Mis Jonson is shaking her body as a Samba dance.
"Oh, I'm melting."
Mis Jonson shouted again. And said,
"A,A,A,A, Wow,Wow,Wow,Wow, Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh. Please fuck me!"
Mis Jonson became the wild animal.

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