Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mike loves Mis Jonson P5

At first Mis Jonson said, "NO.NO.NO. Mike No."
But now, she said to Mike, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. So good. Good. I'm melting."
Mike kissed all parts of her body.
Mis Jonson twisted her body frequently.
She said to Mike, "More,More,More. I'm exciting. So exciting."
After her voice, Mike began to excite so much.
"Yes, Mis Jonson. I'm so exciting too. Let's love each other more and more."
"Yes, Mike. Just I'm burning so heavy."
Mike began to chew her secret and delicate zone softly.
"Wa,Wa,Wa,Wa, Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh."
Mis Jonson began to cry.

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